Friday, January 10, 2014


"You're Every Thought/
Your Every Think/
You're Every Song I'll Ever Sink"

They had stopped for coffee an hour ago. Iowa rolled out before and behind them; a toy car driving over the patchwork quilt. Somehow, the countryside looked more beautiful over her shoulder and he couldn't stop looking at her in the passenger seat. She was serene as a movie star.  The bright sun and the cold air.  He loved these moments when the world was made up of only her and the road and the air and the sunlight.  Coffee and primary colors for breakfast.  Sunny side up eggs, ketchup. He could do without the sausage & bacon oil and bread, but he loved the change in the air.  And the smell of snow.

She turned to him and laughed.

"It's happened again!"
"What? What's so funny?"
"It's the coffee.  It's acting on me again!"
"What's it doing to you?"

They had this conversation before.  He was asking because he wanted her to say it.
"Horny.  It's making me horny."

They both laughed.

"Now?  It's the most inconvenient time!! Look, we were late getting started. And I think we're gonna hit traffic later on.  But if I must, I must."

He drew his hands over the steering wheel as if he were going to pull the car over to change a flat.

She was laughing and protesting.  This was almost an old game to them.

He wanted an exact description of what she was going through.  Partially scientific, partially arousing, partially just human curiosity for the experience of the opposite sex.  And mostly, it was the honesty that she shared with him.

Other lovers tried brazen honesty, and they tried with others, but there was always something of the "performer" in the experience.

Somehow that was the best, how they could both strip down so quickly and so easily about Sex.  Even when they left their clothes on.

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