Monday, October 31, 2016

When I turned my back on the devil

He was old & on his way out. She was younger, not young, but enough to catch his eye.
And his heart.
And his cock.
Everything in him stood at attention when she walked into the room.

She was the kind of person who threw all the rules out the window. And then had you questioning gravity.

He loved not just her body, but also her presence. 

The first day, he noted her body filing up the space in the room (so sweet-but not yet)

Then, he began getting to know her as a role among the players in the room.

It wasn't until he felt the stirrings, until he began to laugh, that he began to see her open like a flower. 

And then, he felt consumed by the need to be in her presence, in her spirit, needing to have her eyes on him, her voice her mind, directed at him. 

Once he was there, he couldn't imagine anything else.

Until later, when his life was marked only by her absence.

I turned my back on the Angel too.
You want it darker (album)
Leonard Cohen