Saturday, March 30, 2019

Music As You Lay Dying: Sha La La La Lee

we were talking, just another night, but this is what I remembered

Years alter, driving alone, I'd think of him in this moment, wondering

A happy song came on to our background music soundtrack with a happy hook. We were driving, or at a party, or in a restaurant. He was sitting on my left side and whispered into my ear.

"This is the song I think I'll hear as I die,"

I sat there, not knowing what to say. Puzzled. Accepting. We had a running conversation about what DAY of the year we will die; how funny it is to pass it every year without knowing. The opposite of a birthday. Kept a secret to us, until it is literally carved in stone next to our name, defining our memory. Haunting everyone around us.

I probably nodded. I'm sure I didn't argue or fight the notion, or dissuade him from discussing morbid thoughts. Was he trying to be overly dramatic or just opening up a random deep thought to me?

It was a happy tune, with a happy hook. Not too deep, not too complex, not too popular. Simple-like the early stuff you;d expect from a newly formed band that has yet to commit to actual lyrics or attitude.

Will he have the opportunity to choose the music? Will it just be a cue in the background that he's about to have a heart attack? Or get hit by a bus? Will he turn the car across the yellow lines and take out an innocent driver in the opposite direction?

I nodded. And every time I think of it, I nod.

There's gotta be a song for me.