Monday, November 16, 2015

Born With A Broken Heart/Bad Rhythm

This song begins playing in the background:

"Born with a Broken Heart" by David Wax Museum

Quick, what is this song in?

What do you mean??

Here, clap!  I don't understand the rhythm.

Okay.  Um (he tries and keeps messing up)

The drummer comes by. 

Can you tell me . . .

He claps exactly.  It's a standard clap.

At this point the song is going fast & furiously. 

Oh, it's a simple . . .

No actually, it's a trick.  Because there is ANOTHER clap happening at the same time on top of it, because it is layered.  (claps again)

(laughing)  I knew it wasn't because I'm rhythmically challenged.

Him and Drummer:
No, you still are.

They all laugh.

Here's the song:

The lyrics & chords for guitar, if you are interested.  But you should really use a uke.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Yo! Mr.Fantasy!!

When she was driving, she had the empty ring box on the dashboard.  Keeping her company.

She could've asked him.  She was young and fearless and even loved him at one point.  The calm kind of love, not grabby or lustful or fighting for supremacy all the time love. A quiet love, a thought that she could happily get lost with him whenever and wherever he led her.  And she felt he felt the same way.

And maybe they would've had a shinier few years in between.  Filled up his house with friends and laughter.  Dinner parties and singing.  A bit like the old days, but better and richer, the longer they stayed together.

He made her laugh.  And vice versa.

Maybe they could've laughed together.

There comes a clear moment in your life when you see the difference between your fantasy and what real life brings you. "You can't grow peaches on a cherry tree"

And that's when the truck behind her came to her attention.